- Granite Falls School District 332
- School Board Roles
Board Role
A local school board is a uniquely American institution. Local governance has made public schools flexible and responsive to local communities needs.
Directors are a group of five community members that are elected to represent 1 (of the 5 districts) to ensure representation from across the service area. Members of the public may also be appointed to a director position when (or if) a board member vacates the position in the middle of their term. Board members are elected for a four-year term, whereas appointed board members serve a two-year term.
The Board Members' primary function is to:
1) Interpret and set policies,
2) delegate administrative duties, and
3) make a continuous appraisal of the educational progress.
The Board is responsible for selecting and evaluating the Superintendent, exercising the legislative powers conferred by the Legislature in overseeing school functions, assisting in the public needs and progress of the education system, considering facility plans/projects, adopting the annual budget and adopting the District Strategic Plan which embodies the District's mission, vision and goals.
Individual Board Members
Individual board members' authority is limited to actions taken by the board as a whole when the board is legally in session. Board members do not assume the responsibilities of administrators or other employees.