- Granite Falls School District 332
- Board Meeting
Board Meeting Details
The Granite Falls School Board meets on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of most months with the exception of June, July and August, in which the Board meets on the fourth Wednesday of the month only. Regular meetings begin at 6:00 pm. All meetings will be held in-person with the option of viewing remotely through our YouTube Channel. School Board members may not engage in direct conversation during a meeting. If you wish to speak to the board during "Items From the Floor," individuals may do so by signing up by 3:00 pm the day of the board meeting by sending an email to pjimenez@gfalls.wednet.edu with "Board Meeting" in the subject line. Those who wish to speak to the Board remotely will be sent a Zoom link once they have signed up. All meetings will be held in the Administration Office building at 205 North Alder Ave in Granite Falls in the board room unless otherwise posted.
Most recent or current board meeting details:
Click the following link to view the board packet or other board-related materials.
Here’s the link for those who wish to watch remotely:
Individuals with disabilities who may need a modification to participate in a meeting should contact the superintendent's office no later than three days prior to a regular meeting and as soon as possible in advance of a special meeting so that special arrangements can be made. You can reach the superintendent's office by calling (360) 283-4305 or email pjimenez@gfalls.wednet.edu.
All regular and special board meetings are open to the public. All actions authorized or required by law are taken at these meetings and are taken in public session. The Board may meet in executive (closed) sessions to discuss matters dealing with personnel, property consideration, litigation, or employee negotiations.