Granite Falls School District will reasonably accommodate the religious practices of its employees and prospective employees in compliance with federal and state law. However, Granite Falls School District is not obligated to grant an accommodation specifically requested by an employee or prospective employee in every circumstance. For a school district to grant a reasonable accommodation to an employee to remain unvaccinated after October 18, 2021, the employee requesting the religious accommodation must submit this form by Friday, September 17, 2021, to allow time for review by Human Resources (HR).

    Download the below form and submit completed form to Jennifer Harmon by September 17, 2021.

    Religious Exemption Form

    - download form to your desktop

    - complete form and digitally sign

    - save and rename form to your (last name - Exemption Request)


    For a Granite Falls school district to grant a reasonable accommodation to an employee to remain unvaccinated after October 18, 2021, the school district must receive documentation from the employee’s medical provider by Friday, September 17, 2021, to allow time for review by Human Resources (HR). That documentation must confirm that the employee is medically unable to receive any of the available COVID-19 vaccines. The documentation must also include a duration of time the accommodation will be needed.

    Instructions for Employees Seeking a Medical Accommodation

    To request a reasonable medical accommodation from the COVID-19 vaccine requirement due to a medical condition or disability, employees must:

    • Obtain the completed questionnaire below from an appropriate health care or rehabilitation professional. This form must be submitted to the HR Office by Friday, September 17, 2021.
    • Employee takes questionnaire directly to their medical provider, who returns completed questionnaire to HR.

    Medical Records Release Form

    Medical Exemption Form

    - download BOTH forms to your desktop

    - complete BOTH forms and submit to your primary care provider

    - your primary care provider will send completed medical exemption form back to Jennifer Harmon