- Granite Falls School District 332
- Welcome to Communications
Communications Department Overview
The communications department provides timely and relevant information to strengthen connections among families, staff and the community by providing district information, produces district publications, manages the district's website and social media presence using Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, manages media relations, and non-profit flyer/information distribution. We welcome your involvement in Granite Falls School District schools!
Tools We Use:
Facebook, Twitter and Instagram!
Follow us on social media for shared news and stories about students, staff, schools and much more!
Emergency Notifications
Stay informed about school closures and emergencies by subscribing to FlashAlert.
Mobile App
Granite Falls School District expanded its communication outreach with a free mobile app that is available through the online app store for those who have an iPhone or Android.
News Releases
Keep up with the news from around the district.
District Website
Your connection to schools, departments and staff. The district website is where we house all important information.
GFSD Express Newsletter
Subscribe to the email newsletter sent out about once a month.
Tiger Tales
Read the quarterly newsletter mailed to every district resident three times a year.
Check out the variety of topics on our district YouTube channel!