Immunizations & Exemptions

  • All students must have the appropriate immunizations to enroll and participate in school. Students may be exempted from immunizations if they have submitted a signed medical certification by a physician or religious exemption. See Policy 3413 for full details on exemption requirements. 

    2024-2025 Vaccine Requirements (English) (Spanish)Immunization acceptance

    Washington State law requires full immunizations of all students. To attend public school, each child must present a signed CERTIFICATE OF IMMUNIZATION STATUS form showing proof of:

    1. Full immunization
    2. Initiation of a schedule of immunization
    3. A medical exemption (with health care provider signature), OR
    4. Personal or religious exemption (with a parent/guardian signature).



    Immunization Requirements - Elementary

    The Washington State Department of Health includes two DOSES of Varicella (chickenpox) prior to beginning kindergarten. If your child has had chickenpox, a blood test showing immunity and/or healthcare provider diagnosis or verification of disease are the only acceptable options. We can NO LONGER accept a parent-reported history of disease for kindergarten entry. Please check your child's immunization record and update the (CIS) Certificate of Immunization Status form BEFORE the first day of school.


    Immunization Requirements - Middle School

    The Washington State Department of Health includes the TDAP (tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (whooping cough)) booster as a requirement for incoming 7th-grade students. Please check your child's immunization record and update the (CIS) Certificate of Immunization Status Form (including signature) BEFORE the first day of school.

    Schedule your immunization appointment today reminder


  • Immunizations

  • Exemptions from Immunization

  • Meningococcal Immunizations Information Distribution

  • Human Papillomavirus Disease

  • Life Threatening Health Conditions

  • Certificate of Immunization

  • Exclusion from School