- Granite Falls School District 332
- Health Resources
Health Resources
Student Emergencies and Emergency Contact Info
In case of serious injury or illness of any student at school, we will call the phone number listed as primary first. If we cannot reach a parent at that number, we will call the person listed on the emergency data card next. If there is no response at this number, the child will be taken to the hospital. Please fill out the emergency information form completely and accurately. If there is a change of address or phone number at any time during the school year, please inform the school promptly.
Does your child need health insurance?
Apple Health for Kids is a new concept in state medical assistance. Instead of making families apply for different programs, the state has streamlined the process so that any child in a family that meets income eligibility standards will be covered. More information is at Apple Health for Kids or call 877.543.7669 or 877.501.2233.
Health Room
The district employs health room attendants that can provide basic first aid, medication administration, and health support to students. If your child becomes ill or injured while at school, a health room attendant will evaluate the symptoms and, if necessary, will call you to pick up your child. In addition, the district employs a Licensed Nurse Practitioner to develop care plans and support for students with more serious medical needs. It is critical schools have current contact information including emergency contacts. If your child has a life-threatening condition, contact your school health attendant immediately so a medical plan can be established.