- Granite Falls School District 332
- Rules for Riding the Bus
Rules for Riding the Bus
- The bus driver is in charge of the bus. You must obey the bus driver and staff members assigned to the bus at all times. The bus is an extension of the classroom. The bus driver has the authority to assign seats. Refrain from talking to the driver, unless necessary.
- Students may only ride their assigned bus unless pre-arranged. Students are not allowed to depart the bus at any stop other than their assigned bus stop without parent/guardian permission, and shall go directly to their home after leaving bus.
- Students must stay seated quietly in their seats, face forward and keep the aisle clear.
- Students must remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the parking brake is applied.
- Students must load/unload the bus in an orderly manner, no pushing or shoving. Students will arrive at the bus stop five (5) minutes before bus arrival time.
- Students cross the street in front of the bus, when signaled by the bus driver. Never cross behind the school bus.
- Be courteous, no profane language will be allowed. Profanity directed at the bus driver will lead to suspension from the bus.
- Windows are not to be opened without the driver’s permission. Keep all body parts inside the bus.
- Items prohibited from the bus include: breakable containers, sharp items, weapons, firearms, flammables, skateboards, roller blades, boom boxes, large, bulky items which cannot be held when placed on the floor between legs, all forms of animal life (except service animals).
- All items must be kept out of the aisle and emergency doorways.
- Passengers in school buses equipped with seats belts shall be required to wear the seat belt, properly adjusted, whenever the bus is in motion.
- Eating and drinking on the bus is prohibited, unless on a field trip and allowed by the bus driver.
- No smoking or ignition source of any kind on the bus, including e-cigs/vaping.
- Parents of students identified as causing damage to buses shall be charged with the cost of the repairs.
- Students shall follow emergency exit drill procedures as instructed by the driver.
- Students shall not tamper with the emergency doors or equipment.
- Students must make no distracting sounds or movement at highway rail grade crossings.
- Do not throw anything from the school bus. Do not litter on the bus. Trash containers are located at the front of the bus.