Bus Routes (e-Link)

  • The e-Link service is helpful in determining your school of residence, bus stop location, pick-up and drop-off times as well as bus number. Information is in real-time, so your route information will be current. For help or route information (including Special Ed, ECEAP and DD-Preschool), please call the Transportation Department at 425.335.1508.

    Routes are subject to change, so please continue to verify your route for the most accurate and up-to-date information.

    Login & Password

    • Login: The login will be your child's 6-digit ID number (don't include the leading zero (0))
      • If your child is a Lake Stevens student, please add "LS" in front of the student number. 
    • Password: Your child's birth date in "mmddyyyy" format (i.e., 01311989 for Jan. 31, 1989).
    • Once logged in, click on "Work With Students," then click "View My Student" to see bussing information.

    Versatrans E-Link