• Implementing HB 1660 (2020): Consent to Share Information

    Under HB 1660, which went into effect on June 11, 2020, school districts that charge a fee for attendance at or participation in any optional, noncredit extracurricular event must adopt a policy for waiving all fees for students who are low income. The policy and regulations must also include how the district will reduce fees for students’ family members and non-students over the age of 65, who by reason of their low income, may be unable to pay the fees to attend or participate in any optional noncredit extracurricular district event which is of a cultural, social, recreational, or athletic nature.

    The process for charging and collecting Associated Student Body (ASB) card fees, school-based athletic program fees, optional noncredit school club fees, and other fees from students in grades 9–12 must be the same for all students, regardless of their free or reduced-price lunch (FRPL) eligibility. The fee waivers must be automatically applied, where applicable.

    More information regarding HB 1660 can be found by clicking here:


    Yes. Schools/districts can use other forms to gain consent besides the National School lunch form. For example, schools can ask for parent consent on applications for sports and clubs by including language such as:

    “Students who qualify for free or reduced-price school meals are eligible to have athletic fees waived. Do you consent to share your child’s free or reduced-price eligibility information with this program?”

    The school or district would then have to verify that the student is eligible for free or reduced-priced meals and eligible for the fee waiver, consistent with district policy.

    Students/families can fill out this form: Consent to Share Form

    Families may also request a Free/Reduced Approval Letter by clicking here: