Enrollment Requirements

  • All Schools Require the Following:

    Records of Immunizations - students must meet district and state immunization requirements. Bring proof of immunization from your family physician or a local health department. The parent or guardian then transfers this information to a certificate of immunization and signs the certificate to verify its accuracy.

    Emergency Information- the parent or guardian fills out a form during registration. Bring information such as the student's birth date, address and home phone, mother and father's employer and work phone numbers, name and phone number of emergency contacts other than parent/guardian (ideally this person or people will live near the student), student's doctor's name and phone number, names of any medications student takes and any medical condition student may have.

    Consent for Exchange of Information (if applicable) - if a student is transferring from another school, the parent or guardian must give their consent to transfer records from the student's previous school. It is helpful if the parent brings the name, address and phone number of the previous school.

    Transcript or Academic History (if applicable) - Students transferring from another school should bring academic records. The school may also ask if the student has been in any special programs in their previous school such as English Language Learner, special reading program, etc. To request your transcript, please contact Lisa Smythe-Rodino(GFHS) or Lori Hanson (CRHS). Be sure to include your (1)name, (2)date of birth and (3)contact information in the request.

    Specific Grade-Level Requirements:


     Must complete a registration packet which can be found online.

    Granite Falls School District offers FREE full-day kindergarten at Mountain Way Elementary school. You must complete a registration packet and two additional forms (to help us get to know your child):
    K-Info Form Only & Get to Know You. Your child's birth certificate and a completed Certificate of Immunization are required for all incoming kindergartners.

    Students entering Kindergarten must be five years of age on or before, August 31 of the year they are entering Kindergarten. Early Entrance is available for children who turn 5 between September 1 and October 15, find out more information on our Kindergarten Readiness page.

    Middle School

    Must complete a registration packet which can be found online.
    Fifth-grade students who have been attending Granite Falls schools are registered for middle school during the spring of their fifth-grade year.

    High School

    Must complete a registration packet which can be found online.
    Eighth-grade students who have been attending Granite Falls schools are registered for high school during the spring of their eighth-grade year.
    The high school counselor will assist students with class selection.