- Granite Falls School District 332
- Monthly Mandatory Emergency Drills
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Monthly Mandatory Emergency Drills
When an emergency within a school or its surrounding area necessitates evacuation and/or total or partial closure of the schools within the district, staff shall be responsible for aiding in the safe evacuation and/or lockdown of the students within the endangered school or its surrounding area.
In accordance with RCW 28A.320.125, schools shall conduct no less than one safety-related drill each month that school is in session. The school shall complete no less than one drill using the school mapping information system, three drills for lockdowns, one drill for shelter-in-place, and three drills for fire evacuation. Schools will also conduct one additional safety-related drill; such as earthquakes or other high-risk local events. Schools shall document the date and time of all drills.
Pandemic/Epidemic – the Board recognizes that a pandemic outbreak is a serious threat that could affect students, staff, and the community. The superintendent or designee shall serve as a liaison between the school district and local health officials. The district liaison, in consultation with local health officials, shall ensure that pandemic/epidemic information/plan/procedures exist to provide for staff and student safety during such an emergency.
The superintendent shall establish procedures for the emergency closure of a building or department.
When an emergency within a school or department necessitates evacuation or total or partial closure of the schools within the district, threatens the safety and well being of students, and/or interferes in the normal operation of the school, the following emergency procedure shall be followed:
- The report of an emergency shall be directed to the superintendent’s office.
- If the nature of the emergency calls for immediate action on the part of a principal, he/she shall take necessary action and report such action to the superintendent’s office.
- The superintendent’s office shall contact those departments and/or schools who must assist in the emergency action.
- When appropriate the superintendent’s office shall contact the city police department and the county department of emergency services.
The principal shall instruct staff including teachers, secretaries, cooks, custodians, aides, and bus drivers as to their respective responsibilities in an evacuation and/or lockdown exercise. The principal shall be responsible for organizing and conducting such emergency evacuation/lockdown drills as are necessary and shall objectively evaluate the activity following each such drill. In the absence of the principal, staff should be able to conduct all aspects of the evacuation/lockdown procedure.
Pandemic/Epidemic – if anyone within the school is discovered or suspected to have a communicable disease, that may result in pandemic/epidemic, that person shall be quarantined pending further medical examination and local health officials notified immediately. Any student or staff member found to be infected with a communicable disease that bears the risk of pandemic/epidemic will not be allowed to attend school until medical clearance is provided indicating that the risk of transmission no longer exists.
In the event of prolonged school closures or extended absences by staff or students as the result of a pandemic/epidemic or other catastrophes, the superintendent shall develop information/plan/procedures that include:
- The chain of command for the plan/procedures and individual responsible for specific duties;
- The specific steps the district will take to stop the spread of the disease;
- The process for identifying sick students;
- Disease containment measures for the district;
- The transportation plan for sick students*;
- A continuing education plan for students such as online classes, web-based instruction, etc*;
- A continuity of operations plan for central office functions including employee leave, pay, and benefits*;
- Procedures for dealing with student privacy rights; and
- An ongoing communication plan for staff, students, and parents.
*The District will follow the lead of the Superintendent of Public Instruction
Please refer to Policy 3432: Emergency School Evacuation and/or Lockdown for further information.