- Granite Falls School District 332
- Welcome to Special Services
Special Education & Student Services
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Welcome to Special Education
An important goal of the Granite Falls School District is to assist each student to achieve their full potential and be successful. Some students face certain learning, physical, emotional, and developmental challenges that interfere with their educational progress and achievement. Often, these challenges are such that the students cannot overcome them without special attention and support.
Special education programs are non-categorical in the sense that each student is placed in the program best suited to deliver the services specified in the student's IEP, regardless of the student's disability. Program placement decisions are made in accordance with the concept of educating students with disabilities in the least restrictive environment. That is, we seek to provide appropriate learning environments to the maximum extent possible with non-disabled peers. In circumstances where unique needs cannot be met within existing district programs, contracted placements are available in neighboring districts and nonpublic agencies.
Students may receive special education services if they have a disability as defined by Chapter 391-172A of the Washington Administrative Code (WAC), demonstrate that the disability adversely impacts their educational performance in the general education program, and require specially designed instruction. The eligibility categories include: developmentally delayed, emotionally/behaviorally disabled, health impaired, specific learning disability, orthopedically impaired, speech or language impaired, autism, traumatic brain injury, intellectual disability, multiple disabilities, deafness, hearing impaired, visually impaired/blindness.
A special education federal regulation (§300.212 Public Information) requires that the Granite Falls School District "must make available to parents of children with disabilities and to the general public all documents relating to the eligibility of the agency under part B of the Act." Please contact Rachel Quarterman at (360) 283-4312 to obtain a copy of our most currently available IDEA-B application
Referrals for Special Education
If you would like to initiate a special education referral, please work with your child's teacher or the school counselor at your child's school. They can work to address any disability-related concerns and ensure any needed support is in place, up to and including a special education evaluation, if necessary. You may reach out to them directly, or may complete this optional form and provide it for them to help frame your request.
For children aged 0-3, please contact WithinReach Help Me Grow Washington Hotline 800-322-2588
For children aged 3-5, please contact our Student Services office at 360-283-4311.
For more information about the preschool Child Find process in the Granite Falls School District, please click here.
Rachel Quarterman
Executive Director of Student Services
Phone: 360.283.4312
rquarterman@gfalls.wednet.edu -
Jennifer Hines
Student Services & Special Education Administrative Assistant
Direct: 360.283.4311
Fax: 360.925.6477