• Emerald Sound Conference Admissions prices:

    $6.00 Adults/Students without ASB card

    Free Home Team Student with ASB card

    $3.00 Children grades K-6

    $3.00 Visiting Students Grades 7-12 with ASB card

    $6.00 All Students Grade 7-12 without ASB cards

    Free Senior Citizens (62 + years)

    Free Preschool with adult

    $15.00 Family Rate (1 Parent + 4 of your own children grades 7-12 or 2 Parents with 2 of your own children grades 7-12)

    Adult Passes
    An adult punch card for high school games is available for $40.00. The punch card pass consists of 10 punches, a savings of $20.00 per card. Cards can be purchased at the high school office or at any sporting event.

    Behavior Expectations
    Good sportsmanship and conduct by players, students, and all fans and guests are expected at all athletic and after-school events and activities at all grade levels. Please review our behavior expectations with your children and know they apply to adults as well. The District asks that everyone act responsibly, be respectful, and contribute to the solution.