Do Students Rely Too Much On Technology? By Landon Scalf
Have you ever thought about how technology has affected classrooms and the way students are learning? I'm writing this editorial on why I think technology does not belong in a classroom. One of the many ways technology has negatively affected classrooms is students have information and answers within a couple of clicks. According to ‘’students are becoming way too dependent as it makes work easier. They are not developing their thinking skills as technology is spoon-feeding them information.’’ The more students rely on technology and google the more likely they are to just copy off of the internet and plagiarize. Plagiarism can warrant legal action if it infringes upon the original author's copyright, patent, or trademark. Using technology everyday in school has also taken away the ability for students to write letters, go to the library, and socially interact with people.
Technology has obviously increased exponentially since the 1900s, there are many ways that it has negatively affected classrooms. One piece of technology that has affected the classroom in my opinion is the handheld calculator. This is bad because it takes away from the fact that you have to think and figure things out on paper yourself. All you have to do is push a few buttons and then you have your answer. According to ‘’they’ll never appropriately develop their math skills, which will surely come back to hurt them during standardized tests and elsewhere in their lives.’’For example if you have an accounting job and you happen to lose your calculator what are you going to do? Another piece of technology that is negatively impacting classrooms is the standard laptop or computer. The primary reason that students should not be allowed to use computers in the classroom is that technology is a distraction. It is almost impossible to escape the distraction of technology in everyday life.
Some people may try and argue that technology prepares students for the future. They may argue that because our world is becoming reliant on technology more and more. I disagree with that because it removes children from opportunities for socialization. According to ‘’Studies have suggested that more individuals throughout society are becoming disconnected and isolated because of the links that technology provides through social networks. Young children who spend more time engaging with devices may not spend as much time interacting with their peers—which can affect those children’s social and emotional growth. In mitigating this risk, it is important to temper “technology time” as to allow children to interact socially with family and friends.’’ Some people may also try to argue that technology can excite or engage students. I disagree with that because technology can be a huge distraction and students have access to all kinds of games and other things on computers. All of these reasons are why I think technology does not belong in classrooms.