Phone: 360-283-4407


Degrees and Certifications:

Bachelor of Arts in Education Master of Arts in Education National Board Certified

Mrs. Tracy Orr

I have worked in the Granite Falls School District since 1999, teaching 2nd grade, 3rd grade gifted, and 5th grade. I have been at Crossroads since 2010. I am the Senior Class Advisor. Crossroads is where I have found my passion and true goal, to help ALL students understand they can be successful. I wash named the Granite Falls Teacher of the Year in 2009 and 2017, Snohomish County Teacher of the Month and WASA region 109 Student Achievement Leader of the Year. I have two children, one went to Crossroads and one teaches at Crossroads. I have three dogs who are my happy.


My open Zoom hours are Monday, Tuesday & Thursday 2:15 p.m - 3:00 p.m.  I'm at school for in-person support at these times and by appointment. To Find Zoom links on Canvas click here.