- Crossroads High School
- Homepage
What Crossroads students think makes them successful
Successful students
- Go above and beyond
- Are dedicated to getting their stuff done
- Want to graduate
- Hard working
- Cooperative
- Independent and know when to work with others
- Engaged and participate
- Keep up on their work
- Determined, pay attention
- Comes to Friday school if needed
- Have good behavior
- Pass classes
- Get work done when it's given
- Have motivation
- Have patience
- Take time to do what's needed
- Active listeners
- Show their best
- Have goals of where they want to be
- Are determined to figure out the future they want
- Talk to teachers and staff
- Do work with effort
- Show up and attend classes
What causes challenges to success
- Not trying
- Giving up
- Not listening
- Disrespect
- Not attending
- Being mean

What's Happening at Crossroads?

Classrooms? Not just inside in a room... & Rootbeer?
In the Classrooms
Making Cookies with Mrs. Barth in Food Science
Students in the Classroom
Students in the News
Mental Health Resources and Support for Youth
- Cocoon House- Housing for homeless teens, advocates for teens, parenting classes, support group, and counseling 425-259-5802 www.cocoonhouse.org
- Friends of Youth Housing for youth 206-236-5437 www.friendsofyouth.org
- Safe Place 1-800-422-8336
- Safe housing for kids 12-17 in crisis www.nationalsafeplace.org
- Help Me Grow WA-Free childhood developmental screening, parenting classes etc. 1-800-322-2588
- Recovery Helpline 24/7 1-866-789-1511
- Providence Sexual Assault 425-252-4800
- Teen Link 6-10 p.m. 1-866-833-6546
- National Runaway Safeline 1-800—786-2929
- GLBT National Youth Talk Line 1-800-246-7743
- 211-Information and Referral
- C.H.A.L.K.’s National Youth Talk Line 1-888-977-3399
- Access Line 888-693-7200
- Schedules mental health appointments if Apple Health/Medicaid eligible
- Compass Health Provide a full continuum of outpatient care for kids includes counseling, med management.
- Accepts Apple Heath/Medicaid and sliding scale. Everett, Monroe, Smokey Point, Lynnwood 425-212-3900 www.compasshealth.org
- SeaMar Behavioral Health Provides outpatient services, counseling, med management in Everett, Lynnwood and Monroe.
- Accepts Apple Health/Medicaid www.seamar.org
- Catholic Community Services
- Counseling, case management, med management for all kids in Everett Accepts Apple Health/Medicaid 425-257-1621 www.ccsww.org
- Affordable Counseling 425-778-5544
- Counseling for those with no insurance www.myaffordablecounseling.com
- ChildStrive 425-353-5656 is a community-based service provider for families with children, ages birth to three who have developmental disabilities www.childstrive.org
- Institute for Family Development 425-374-4279 In-home family preservation services to help families thrive
- Dawson Place 425-388-7497 Child Advocacy Center for sexual abuse www.dawsonplace.org
- OPS 206-988-5463 Survivor-led support groups and other services for prostituted persons www.seattleops.org
- Within Reach 1-800-322-2588 Helping families get food, vaccinations, apply for health insurance etc. www.withinreachwa.org
- Verdant Health Commission Community wellness classes and support www.verdanthealth.org
- Domestic Violence Services 425-252-ABUSE (2873) 24 hour hotline, DV support groups, advocacy
- At –Risk Youth Petition 425-388-7800 #7
- TeamChild 425-258-3132 Legal Advocacy for Youth
- Hopelink Transportation to medical appointments www.hope-link.org
- Famiias Unidas 425-513-2880 Latino Resource and Referral Center www.familysupport.lcsnw.org
- ARC 425-258-2459 Advocacy for people with developmental disabilities, resources etc. www.thearc.org
- Planned Parenthood Reproductive health care
- Everett 425-339-5220
- Lynnwood 425-775-3522
- www.plannedparenthood.org
- Free Medical Clinics www.freeclinicdirectory.org
- Children’s Hospital 206-987-2000 inpatient psychiatric support and eating disorder clinic
- Farifax Hospital 425-284-1706 Inpatient psychiatric hospital for kids www.fairfaxbehavioralhealth.com
- Job Corps Job training for 16-24 year olds 425-388-0166 www.jobcorps.gov
- Sno Isle Skill Center 425-348-2220 Prepares high school students to be successful in the high-tech work force www.snoisletech.com
- Early Head Start/HeadStart 425-388-6439 or 425-712-9000 Provides child development services, family support for kids younger than five years-of-age and their families; based on income eligibility www.eduu.edu/birthtofive
- Parents are Vital in Education (PAVE) Advocacy, workshops, resources regarding special education www.wapave.org
- Early Childhood Education and Assistance Program (ECEAP) 425-388-7268 is a free pre-school serving low-income children and families providing quality educational experiences
- Early Head Start/Head Start A program for income eligible kids and families to help kids birth to five years to help with school readiness
- North County 425-388-6439
- South Central County 425-712-9000
- www.edcc.edu/birthtofive
- Snohomish County Early Intervention Program Provides support to children ages birth to three who have or are at high –risk of a delay.
- Department of Early Learning-Connecting to Childcare, Early Head Start, Kindergarten Readiness 1-866-482-4325 www.del.wa.gov
- Music Project Music performance, enrichment and therapy for kids www.scmusicproject.org
- Project Girl Girls of color mentoring program www.project-girl.com
- Everett Boys and Girl Club 425-259-5147
- Sport for kids, after school program and more www.bgcsc.org in other communities as well
- Boy Scouts of America 425 338-0380 www.mountbakerbsa.org
- Girl Scouts www.girlscoutsww.org
- YWCA of Snohomish County 425-258-9211 www.ymca-snoco.org
- Big Brothers Big Sisters 425-252-2227
- Mentors for kids ages 6-14 form single parent families www.bbbs-snoco.org
- GLOBE LGBTQ support group and activities for kids www.globeyouth.com
- EYSO-Everett Youth Symphony Orchestra www.eyso.info
- Snohomish County 4-H 425-357-6044 www.snohomishcountywa.gov/Search4-H
- YMCA of Snohomish County Recreation and childcare www.ymca-snoco.org
- Everett 425-258-921
- Marysville 360-653-9622
- Mukilteo 425-353-9622
- Monroe (360) 805-1879
- Casino Road Enrichment Center YMCA-after school programs, tutoring, GED programs
- Access Line 1-800-747-8654; 425-388-7215
- Call to ask for a designated mental health professional to be dispatched to assess a kid for voluntary or involuntary treatment.
- This is to be used as a last resort.
- This number also can help set up an initial assessment and counseling.
- Care Crisis Response Service Triage Line 800-584-3578/425-258-4357
- Open 24/7 to discuss crisis related needs .
- Crisis Chat www.carecrisis chat.org (5 days a week 3-11:30 p.m.)
- Crisis support via instant messaging.
- Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-TALK (8255) Support for someone who is struggling with suicide thoughts.
- Child Protective Services 1-800-562-5624
- To report abuse or neglect of a child.
- Protection Order Programs 425-388-3638
- Access Line 888-693-7200 Schedules mental health appointments if Apple Health/Medicaid eligible
- National Runaway Hotline 1-800-RUNAWAY
- The Trevor Project 1-866-4-U-TREVOR
- Providing crisis and suicide services to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth
- Cocoon House Project SAFE 425-317-9898 free parent consultations for 90 minutes with a counselor, support group and parenting classes www.cocoonhouse.org
- Parent Help 123 www.parenthelp123.org
- CHANGES 360-653-5464 Support Group Network for Parents cpsn.org
- PFLAG- 425-252-5927 Parent and friend group of lesbian and gay kids
- National Association for Mental Illness (NAMI) 425 347-5365
- Advocacy, training and support groups for a family member of a loved one struggling with a mental illness 5 www.namisnohomishcounty.org