Welcome to Mountain Way Elementary!

  • Mountain Way Elementary serves students in grades K-2 with approximately 60 teachers and support staff that provide children with a stimulating academic program in a safe and supportive learning environment. The school has 500 students with a full academic program in addition to music, library-media, physical education, technology, Literacy Nights, special education, and counseling services. A strong parent volunteer program supports a tutoring/mentoring program, book fairs, family events, enrichment assemblies, student recognition and extra-curricular activities.

    Mountain Way Elementary
    702 N. Granite Ave
    Granite Falls, WA 98252
    Phone: 360.691.7719
    Fax: 360.283.4416

    Principal: Dawn Weddle

Student hours

  • Student hours

    Breakfast service

    Lunch times
    Kindergarten 11:40-12:00 and 12:05-12:25
    1st Grade 10:50-11:10 and 11:15-11:35
    2nd Grade 12:30-12:50 and 12:55-1:15 
