Monte Cristo Elementary

We Expect Success!


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Welcome to Monte Cristo Elementary!

  • Welcome to Monte Cristo Elementary School, Home of the Miners!

    Associated Student Body (ASB)

    Monte Cristo Elementary Associated Student Body/Student Council Body

    ASB stands for Associated Student Body and it represents the interests and goals of the entire Monte Cristo Elementary Student Body. Currently, there is one ASB (student government) group to develop leadership skills, plan and organize school events, develop the school budget, and authorize school expenditures. Students enrolled in ASB recognize that there is more to being successful in school than completing homework or earning all Level 3 or 4 on a report card. Having a safe and welcoming learning environment during the school day when students feel united and belonging is critical to their success. As a focus, the officers and members of the ASB group focus on fostering engaging and enriching activities that provide a positive and well-rounded elementary school experience.

    Associated Student Body (ASB) Funds

    Publication of Information

    Required per RCW 28A.325.050

    An Associated Student Body (ASB) is a formal organization of students, including sub-component or affiliated student groups, formed at each public school within the Granite Falls School District. The programs of the ASB are any optional, noncredit, extra-curricular activity conducted in whole or in part by or on behalf of an ASB, during or outside regular school hours, within or outside school grounds and facilities and conducted with the approval of the school district or under the official designee to whom authority has been delegated to act on behalf of an ASB or sub-component group. ASB programs and activities must be of a cultural, athletic, recreational or social nature benefiting the ASB. Money generated or collected, including fundraising proceeds, in conjunction with ASB activities, is public money which must be deposited into the ASB Fund. ASB public money may only be used for optional, noncredit, extra-curricular events and activities of a cultural, athletic, recreational, or social nature.


    Posting of this 2023-2024 School Year announcement ensures compliance with RCW 28A.325.050. Questions regarding the posting of the ASB announcement may be directed to:


    Christine Vo, Assistant Principal

    Monte Cristo Elementary
